Today’s Extended Reality solutions aren’t just transforming the entertainment sector, they’re changing the way countless businesses and professionals operate on a daily basis. With immersive technology, companies can accelerate product development processes, improve team creativity, and even ensure staff members can collaborate and train in a safe environment.

You’re invited to join a Fireside Chat on Tuesday, September 14th from 1:00pm to 2:00pm on the Atlantic Investment Bubble.
To join, please register on Eventbrite and you’ll receive a calendar invitation with the meeting link.
Over the past four months, unprecedented effort has been underway with a regional working group of 22 entrepreneurs, investors, and industry groups to create a renewed call-to-action that builds on the success of the Atlantic Bubble and our regional collaboration in managing the pandemic. We came together with a common goal of seeing our region’s economy emerge stronger from the pandemic than we were before.
Our first call-to-action is for the Atlantic provinces and federal government to collaborate on the creation of an Atlantic Investment Bubble pilot program.
Start-ups and SME’s in Atlantic Canada are looking for ways to recover and grow in a post-COVID environment. To scale their existing business models, they will need to attract capital and the competition for that capital is fierce.
The Atlantic Investment Bubble would see an evolution of the current equity tax credit programs, including the Small Business Investment Tax Credit programs that currently exist in each Atlantic Canadian province, making it available to all residents in Atlantic Canada regardless of which province they decide to invest in. The Atlantic Investment Bubble will grow the pool of capital available to Atlantic Canadian companies and will strengthen our provincial and regional economies in the process.
We hope you can join us for the Fireside Chat to hear from some of the champions behind this initiative. You’ll have a chance to learn more about the proposal, ask questions and find out how you can help make this dream a reality.
A website has also been created on the Atlantic Investment Bubble, which includes a detailed discussion paper. Please check it out, add your name as a supporter, and share with your networks.

Jeff Schnurr, CEO & Co-founder of Jaza Energy, was recently interviewed on a Nigerian radio station to talk about Jaza’s plans to expand into the Nigerian market.
Click here to access to the interview.

Participants of BOOST Fredericton’s week-long Innovation Camp will get together to come up with innovative solutions to issues facing the city’s adoption of smart technology in the face of 5G infrastructure.

From beauty to education technology industries, seven companies from across New Brunswick are participating in the 12-week Summer Institute accelerator out of UNB’s J. Herbert Smith Centre for Technology and Entrepreneurship.
Read more . . .

Click here to read about one of Jaza Stars, Bimkubwa, went from being a single mom with very limited job prospects to financial independence via her job at Jaza.

Kathryn Lockhart, Chief Executive Officer of Propel, will be a guest speaker at Startup Genome’s webinar on the topic of: Value Creation, Not Valuation: How to Attract Venture Capital and Build a Thriving Innovation Economy through Commercialization.
The webinar takes place MAY 11th, 12:00 – 1:00 pm Atlantic [8:00am – 9:00am San Francisco Time]
Other speakers include Max Menke, Founding Partner, GrowthX, Andrew Goldner, Co-founder, GrowthX, Martin Giese, Managing Director, XPRENEURS incubator, and Stephan Kuester, Head of Ecosystem Strategy at Startup Genome.
Hear how GrowthX is partnering with innovative tech ecosystems around the world to unlock exponential startup growth by embracing commercialization as the key to startup success. Startup Genome and GrowthX will show how private-public partnerships have transformed nascent startup ecosystems into thriving hotbeds of activity that are galvanizing previously cautious local venture capital dollars while creating a new wave of local, high growth businesses.
Click here to register